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How to wrap head wraps.

A lot of times you just don't feel like doing your Hair or you just don't have the time. Either way busy or not you want to look good without having to rush and without all the hassle that comes with combing your Hair or Wrapping your Hair. You can have different styles as they can match your everyday dress wear, Wrapping your Hair can seem like a hard task, but actually is easy especially once you get the hang of it. You will see some easy steps that you can do without the headache of combing your Hair everyday, your Hair needs a break from the everyday Chemicals and the heat from blowing drying. Let me show you how you can look just as good in a wrap that takes about a minute then waisting 30 minutes a an hour on fixing your Hair up. Steps 1. Place wrap on head 2. Set even to desired placement on forehead 3. Wrap around back crossing head wrap around locks 4. Wrap around front crossing head wrap on front of head 5. Tuck excess material so not to be seen. 6. Your finished but one more little thing you should do. 7. Get a mirror and look at it from the back to see how beautiful it is. Tips: Wrap your Hair in any color Wrap you like, you can always substitute a Wrap with a Scarf. Warnings: Make sure your Wrap matches your Clothes, you don't want to Clash.

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