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How to ease Ulcers.

A lot of times people think their having heartburn when it can actually be a symptom of you having a Ulcer. There is a lot of things you can do to ease and comfort your Stomach. Most People believe that there is only Ulcers in the Stomach, but that is not true. There are many different types of Ulcers like Mouth, Feet, Eye, Leg, and of course the Stomach. Some mistake Ulcers with Cancer, but the best way to really know is by going to the Doctor and having some test done. Most Doctors will order for you to have a Biopsy done. You can do many things to try to ease the Ulcer and here is one. Steps: 1. Get a Bowl Add one part of Blueberry Juice. 2. Add one part of Pineapple Juice and one Banana in a blender. 3. Blend together and season with Ground Cinnamon, Ground Cloves, Ground Ginger, and sweetened to taste with Honey as desired. Tips: Try a Bowl of Cabbage or Coleslaw as Cabbage has two great anti-Ulcer compounds to help your Stomach, Pineapple also helps. Warnings; If allergic don't use or if the problem worsens consult your Doctor as it can be something worst.

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