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How to know if he/she is your true love or not.
Getting a Guy or Girl can be simple, but finding the right match who is in it for the long haul can be the real problem. If you’re having trouble finding a Partner who’s ready to commit that can be difficult, but before you give up on finding a Man or a Woman who is in it for the long haul, learn how to find a long-term Partner and what to do once you’ve found Him or Her. First of all you need to know that not all Men and Women are interested in Cheating (Playing) around, their are many out there who really do want to commit and have a real one on one Relationship, some of us are in it for the long haul. The way we find our Mate or Partner is to keep a positive attitude and be open minded. You have to know what you want and what your looking for and go for because we all deserve to be Happy, it's your right so KNOW YOUR WORTH. No one can see what the Future holds for our Relationship but set your Expectations High right from the start, don't settle for anything or just anyone go for someone who your Compatible with. There's no real way of knowing if you and someone are the match made in Heaven but try your best to look for certain Charateristics like if you both want Kids, do you both enjoy some of the same Foods, are you both ready for Marriage now or at least someday soon, Are you both into partying or staying Home on a regular, Do you both enjoy same Movies and Music? These questions are important no matter how silly they might sound, Communicate be clear about what it is your looking for and stick to your belief let this person know that your not negotiating your Worth. Go with your feelings don't doubt yourself a lot of times we know something but we doubt ourselves by thinking that we can change the way someone is or we can make them Love us well that's not the case, Love has to come from within it's not something you can make happen and it doesn't come overnight it takes much time and a lot of patience. Once you think you found your Match see if they share your Vision of the both of you together do they have a Mindset that includes us not just me, when discussing Future plans do they include you in all of them? Be realistic if your with someone whether your a Man or Woman and their Life dreams and Goals don't include you then how can you say that it's a us or a we, People your Partner is going to involve you in all their Endeavers because you both should have each others back, He or She is your better half, your Backbone. Behind every Successful Man is a Strong Woman and behind every Successful Woman is a Strong Man so Stand on that and make it so if it's not already. Listen we all say we want a good Partner but once we have it we don't know what to do with it, and why do People change once you get together I will tell you why? No one is willing to continue to do all those great and wonderful things that they started off doing when we first met, we change once we get comfortable with each other. If and when you're in it for the long haul you need to keep putting in time, the work doesn't stop because your in love now you need to keep the Laughter, the Joy, the Jokes, The going out on dates with each other of course, going out to Dinner on a regular, to the Movies, stay Intimate and that doesn't mean just making Love it means have Intimacy in your Relationship. Be Romantic, have Candle light Dinners, surprise your Partner with little things like have there Bath water ready when they get in or have a Picnic in the House yes in the House with a blanket on the floor with treats you both enjoy. People keep the Passion that Spark that you had before you will always need it to survive and keep a great Relationship going Strong, be willing to maintain what you did to get each other to fall head over heels, and don't think that just having Sexual Intercourse will help because it's much more involved in keeping a Relationship working properly. Stay Committed, Communicate not just about your bad day but also about your good day, disagree to agree without turning it into an Argument, Nurture each other Pampering each other is always good, Ladies Massage him & ect. Men Lotion her body down & ect. Stop Nagging at one another over the pettiest little things o'k he drop the Milk Clean it up She forgot your Beer ok go get it, these are little things that don't need a big argument over, it's simple we all make mistakes and forget things no one is Perfect. Constant arguments is what breaks up Homes and lead to Divorce that puts a lot of Stress and Pressure on your Relationship, that sucks when all you have to do is talk it out and see how you both can make it better if you believe it's worth working on then do your best to work it out. Some whether run the other way then stick it out all because there frustrated, well that's Life for you no one said it would be easy, but if you work on this one you don't have to worry about started over for the 5th or 6th time. Put effort in to your Relationship Ladies please your Man in anyway possible to keep him Happy and Men the same goes for you, be understanding and cut that Football or Basketball game off sometime. Everyone keep your Family and Friends out of your Relationship let's be honest they can put a Strain on it, everyone has something negative to say about your love life but can't fix there own so politely ask them to mind there business and let them know you can handle it yourself, but remember here's the kicker everyone if you tell your business to someone your simply opening up the door for them to come in.
How to wrap hair using the cross way.
We are busy Women who like to look good without spending a lot of Money on our Hair especially if we just got it done already. No one wants to get there Hair done the next day because of the wind or because we slept on it so here is a way to Wrap your Hair and still have it look like you just had it done the next day, and it will last for weeks on in. Most African American like Wraps because after perming or getting it done it can frizz back up really fast, but Wrapping it helps keep it in place. This is an easy way to keep it all together.
Steps 1.Divide your hair in half like the picture.
2. Concentrate on one side of the Hair at a time like the picture, Take that side and pull it around to your forehead, Try not to mess up the other Hair or the part.
3. Take a Hair clip then pin the Hair down. When you look at that part of the Hair, it should look like the picture the Hair is not bothered.
4. One side of the Hair is wrapped.<
5. Do the same thing to the other side of the Hair. Bring your Hair around to your forehead in the opposite direction slowly.
6. Once in front of your hair, depending on the length it should meet up with the other Hair that was pinned.
7. Adjust the Hair in the front along with the other Hair. Pin up the other side of Hair. It should be neat like the picture.
8. Look at the back of your Hair it should also look neat like the picture, Once you see that your Hair is neat, get a Hair scarf and tie it around your Hair so that it stays in place.
9. When you take your Hair down the next day, it should look something like the picture. You might not have all your curls, but it will still have a little bump of curls left and it will have that straight look. Some people have problems Wrapping up there Hair because it's harder to Wrap when Hair is long, this way works great.
Tips: Save time and Money and Wrap your Hair up every night.
Warnings: Oil your Hair on a regular so it stay moist and doesn't get dry.
How to wrap head wraps.
A lot of times you just don't feel like doing your Hair or you just don't have the time. Either way busy or not you want to look good without having to rush and without all the hassle that comes with combing your Hair or Wrapping your Hair. You can have different styles as they can match your everyday dress wear, Wrapping your Hair can seem like a hard task, but actually is easy especially once you get the hang of it. You will see some easy steps that you can do without the headache of combing your Hair everyday, your Hair needs a break from the everyday Chemicals and the heat from blowing drying. Let me show you how you can look just as good in a wrap that takes about a minute then waisting 30 minutes a an hour on fixing your Hair up.
Steps 1. Place wrap on head
2. Set even to desired placement on forehead
3. Wrap around back crossing head wrap around locks
4. Wrap around front crossing head wrap on front of head
5. Tuck excess material so not to be seen.
6. Your finished but one more little thing you should do.
7. Get a mirror and look at it from the back to see how beautiful it is.
Tips: Wrap your Hair in any color Wrap you like, you can always substitute a Wrap with a Scarf.
Warnings: Make sure your Wrap matches your Clothes, you don't want to Clash.
How to ease Ulcers.
A lot of times people think their having heartburn when it can actually be a symptom of you having a Ulcer. There is a lot of things you can do to ease and comfort your Stomach. Most People believe that there is only Ulcers in the Stomach, but that is not true. There are many different types of Ulcers like Mouth, Feet, Eye, Leg, and of course the Stomach. Some mistake Ulcers with Cancer, but the best way to really know is by going to the Doctor and having some test done. Most Doctors will order for you to have a Biopsy done. You can do many things to try to ease the Ulcer and here is one.
Steps: 1. Get a Bowl Add one part of Blueberry Juice.
2. Add one part of Pineapple Juice and one Banana in a blender.
3. Blend together and season with Ground Cinnamon, Ground Cloves, Ground Ginger, and sweetened to taste with Honey as desired.
Tips: Try a Bowl of Cabbage or Coleslaw as Cabbage has two great anti-Ulcer compounds to help your Stomach, Pineapple also helps.
Warnings; If allergic don't use or if the problem worsens consult your Doctor as it can be something worst.
How to improve your health eating a Kiwi.
We don't usually get a lot of Vitamin C and E that's needed but like Oranges, Kiwi Fruit also has a lot of the nutrient that we need. 1 Kiwi Fruit can deliver 5 milligrams more of Vitamin C then a Orange Could, and it adds more Vitamin E to your body then an Orange. Vitamin E & C acts as a powerful Antioxidant in your body and breaking down substances that can cause different Diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, Birth Defects, Vision, Cataracts, and many other serious and fatal Diseases. This little Fruit offers the daily nutrients that you couldn't believe like Folate this is needed to prevent Birth Defects, Copper it works to give you a strong Immune System, Magnesium this is a mineral needed for bone formation and the regulations of Heart rhythm, and last but not least Potassium which is critical to control blood pressure. 2 Kiwi Fruit also provides 5 grams of Fiber so you see we all need to eat at least 1.
Steps 1. When storing place ripe Kiwi in the Fridge it will last up to a month.
2. Place a hard unripe Kiwi in a plastic bag and place on your Kitchen cabinet for a day.
3. Try Kiwi in different Foods or desserts.
Tips: Take a Kiwi and Strawberry blend together with some Juice and you will have a delicious Smoothie.
Warnings: If your Allergic don't try it.
How to get rid of hair problems using at home tricks.
Everybody has a bad Hair day once in a while, but some of us just can't seem to get rid of those Dandruff, Oily Hair, Thinning Hair, and Dry Hair problems. Bad Hair can really make you miserable and mess up your day especially if you have an important Meeting, Date, or Job interview that you have to go to. Most Men have Thinning Hair so to help it look thicker and shinier I'll give you some tips on what to do. A lot of us have that Oily and Dry Hair and we just don't know what to do as we have tried everything and nothing has worked, well don't give up yet there is always something else to try come on follow me.
Steps 1. For Dandruff Hair brush your Hair through then add warm oil and leave it in for 20 minutes then wash hair and condition once a week. You will notice less Dandruff.
2. For Thinning Hair massage in a raw Egg and let it set for 15 minutes then Shampoo and Condition afterwards your Hair will look thicker, shinier, and soft.
3. For Oily Hair mix the juice of 2 Lemons with a pint of Water and apply to Hair after Shampooing. It will get rid of that extra oil and leave your Hair Lemony Fresh.
4. For Dry Hair Bathe your Hair in Mayonnaise once a week or so, work it in your Hair and leave on for 5 minutes or so and wash out. It might sound funny but you will notice results from that Dry Hair.
Tips: Try these thing more than once at lease once a week.
Warnings: As always if your allergic to any of these items don't use or discontinue use if you have tried it.
How to get rid of a sore throat using home remedies.
Everyone gets a Sore Throat once in a while, but the key is knowing how to get rid of it very quickly. Sore throat is a painful inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the Pharynx. Sore Throat can be caused by many ways, Viral and bacterial sore throats are usually passed in the same way as the common cold: sneezing, coughing, sharing Cups and Glasses or Silverware, or in any other way germ particles can easily move from one person to another. Some Sore Throats are caused by environmental factors or allergies. These Sore Throats cannot be passed from one person to another, but Children in Child Care or Grade School have them more often than Adolescents and Adults. Sore Throats are most common during the winter months when upper respiratory infections (Colds) are more frequent. Children who go to the Doctor each year have Pharyngitis or Sore Throat. Sore Throat can take some days to go away a lot of times we mask the Pain into fooling ourselves that the Sore Throat is gone, here's a way to get rid of it using a home Remedy.
1. Mix 1 Teaspoon of Salt in about 2 Cups of warm Water, then Gargle.
2. Squeeze the juice about 1/2 to 1 whole from the Lemon into a Cup of warm Water, then add some Honey.
3. Stir 1/2 Teaspoon of powdered seal root into 2 Cups of boiling Water or try Chamomile Tea.
tips: Drink Tea while Hot, also at night before going to bed keep neck covered to keep more Cold from entering in and it also will help relieve the Pain.
warnings: Never use if Allergic to any of the Items needed, and be careful as the Tea from the boiling Water may be to Hot so use caution.
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